Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Eat Pray Love Movie!?

I am really excited about this movie. I didn't even know that a movie was being made. Keep in mind that I have never read the book,I borrowed it and am about to start it. Julia Roberts is a really good actress in my opinion. I just recently rewatched 'Runaway Bride', I was pretty amazed at how dynamic she really is on screen. I like the idea of this movie. A woman that has never not been in a relationship and realizes that she needs to change her life. She has lost zest for life. I felt like this about 6 months ago. I took my year of being a single gal, was reckless and now I am in the next phase. Even though I am in a relationship, it feels as though this union is therapeutic. Something that I need in order to grow as a person. Okay, so watch the trailer. I think it is really inspirational. Makes me want to write!
EatPrayLove Trailer *Watch it Now** <----click here!


  1. I would watch it if it was called "Eat, talkaboutatheism, love.

  2. yeah, I started reading it last night and she is christian. But I love the idea of the book so much that I think I can see past that flaw of hers!! HA! No but really she isn't bible thumping, she seems more spiritual than "christian". We will see. The movie of course probably won't touch on that very much.
