Friday, May 28, 2010

A bird!!

A bird was caught in the mud room. He didn't know how to get out. Frank decided to try and help him out. Unfortunately it was too high for him to jump. So James had to pick up the bird and throw him out. Frank by then had lost all interest and was eating grass outside.

Frank hates the hot weather.

Hanging Basket

I planted the herbs that I grew from seeds in a hanging planter. Looks pretty nifty. friggin' ankle!

So, the Wednesday night we went out for dinner. When we got home, Boyf had to go to work, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Television? not yet. later. So, it had to be a walk/run. I left, walked along the highway to a cute little suburban road. I was trying to tie my sweater around my waist without dropping my ipod and keys, my foot slipped off the pavement twisting my ankle. At first I thought I should go home, but I decided that I would walk it off. After a couple of minutes it felt fine. I thought that because I am so young that my ankle could heal itself! Turns out, not so much. I got home, took off my shoes and couldn’t put any weight on my foot. Not so young. I am going to be 28. That is almost 30. Yikes! I spent all day yesterday on the couch with my ankle on ice. It feels better today, but I am still staying off of it. It is still swollen. Stupid bones and ligaments or whatever. I am hoping that it feels better tomorrow. Hopefully I can get back on track. I had decided to get my ass in gear. I want to be bikini ready for my birthday.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Bunnies beware!!

Three little beans have sprouted! James said that he saw some bunny outside nibbling on some of the weeds around the garden. Bunny better watch himself or he will turn into stew.

Peas,Parsley,Dill, & Basil!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Dead tulips.

All they were footprints...

I was robbed! A raccoon attacked my bean and pea seeds. Stupid nature f'in with my gardens. That's it. It's time for some pesticides and a pellet gun!! or not.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pretty cakes!

I was looking at blogs and found this one. It is sugarchef. Check out her cakes, they are really amazing. I would love to know how to bake cakes like this. Maybe one day I will!

China Cabinet

On Monday we went to London to James' Mom's house to pick up this china cabinet. Her parents are moving in with her and she has to get rid of furniture. We brought it home and put it in the the living room. I polished it and put crap on it yesterday. It looks very good. I think the plant has found a new home. He seems pretty happy up there, he is able to stretch out.

One Year Anniversary!!

Monday was James and I's one year anniversary! It doesn't feel like it has been a year, seems like only yesterday we were going to Nirvana for our "first date". James bought me this plant and a card. What a sweet guy!

Bird chillin' on the front deck!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!

Well Maaa, it has been another year! A year filled with a lot of laughter and some tears. I hope that you see us as more than just mother and daughter, but as friends as well. I do. We are lucky to have a relationship in these times when parents and children seem to be divided. We have been through a lot. You have been there for me every step of the way. So, thank you and I love you!
Frank made the sign all by himself. (you can tell)
We hope you have a good day! Thank you for being a great Mom!
Lots of love from the crazies in Bowmanville!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's Caturday!!

Happy Caturday,y'all!! These were taken last night, he was sleeping. It looks like he is smiling in the second one!

The peas have sprouted!!

This is a pea sprout that I noticed yesterday. Looking good so far. There has been only one pea sprout, but the sun hasn't been out and about lately. It thunderstormed last night! The rain was crazy hard and the lightning lit up outside completely. It was awesome! I love thunderstorms. It is rainy and cold outside right now. I have to try and figure out something to cover those plants. Frank said that there was no way he was going to help with the gardening. So I told him there was no way that I was going to help with fat. He is on a strict diet. This morning he was allowed a plain rice cake, a blueberry and a glass of water. That's it. He is running on a little cat treadmill that I got him right now. He doesn't look happy. But being fit takes work.

Look at me!! Look at me!!

I have to brag! ‘Your shape’ made me do a fitness test the other night. I scored an A+, which is way better than the C I got last month. Keep in mind that it is based on what the camera sees, if you aren’t wearing the right colours or if the lighting is bad. But I think my energy level was up and I was really motivated to do a good job! So far I haven’t missed a workout, I have actually done more than scheduled. Of course I am resting my muscles. I have decided that I have to do yoga everyday. I tried the ‘Your shape’ yoga today. It was pretty good. I record a yoga program on t.v. called ‘Intimate Yoga’ with Sonia Dillion on Suntv. They are now playing episodes that I have already seen. I am bored with the show. I need something new. That is what is nice about ‘Your shape’ it is the same exercises or poses, I have a chance to master them, but in different sequences. I recommend it to people. It is a good idea. I haven’t tried ‘Wii Fit’, I have heard really good things. Maybe one day I will try that. Until then I have Jenny McCarthy and ‘Your shape’.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dill sprouts!!

The dill sprouted! I am so excited!

Lovely Lilac!

Lilacs in a tea cup. Pretty! I cut a branch off the lilac tree in the front yard. There are now lilacs all over the house. Even by Frank's food dish! He likes the smell. I think they are a really pretty flower and they smell lovely.
Todays weather was a little schizo, cold and windy then warm and sunny. We had to go to Mosport race track to a auto shop there, James ordered some parts for the race car from there. Then we went for a drive. We enjoy going for drives. We noticed a lot of places for sale. James, just like my mother, enjoys looking at real estate. We aren't looking to buy, it is just fun to look. Window shop. I absolutely love going to open houses. Everyone thinks that is depressing, James gets depressed, I really enjoy seeing what is out there. Also it is practice for when we do look for another house.
Went food shopping, I am going to make shepherd's pie tomorrow. Also I am going to make a soup. I have to clean out the fridge and freezer. There is no room! After food shopping, James put carpet that we bought the other day into the van. I did some yoga and housework. And then we went to Red Lobster, or as the french say 'Lobster Rouge'!!!! I ate everything on my plate. I spent the rest of the night in pain. I was laying on the couch feeling like crap, so I forced myself to go for a walk. It felt good. Cool, fresh air. Now I am going to have a bath and then go to bed. I need to get up early tomorrow. Work out before James gets home, so I can blast dance music!

Polka dot toenails and Bread!!

Well, the bread isn't perfect but it is still pretty damn good! The bottom is a bit moist but if you toast it, AMAZING! I put a little butter and jam on a big thick slice, it is to die for! Way better than store bought bread. I am on my way to being a master baker. Master baker....that is what I said. pervert. Geez.
I painted the toenails, finger too! Green with white polka dots. I think they look cute. Aren't you all happy I am without a job, otherwise who else's toes would you be reading about. I am going to take some more pictures this afternoon. I noticed some more sprouts this morning. We might be getting some frost tonight, so I have to find something to cover my strawberries and peppers. I don't want them to die. I think I might weave plastic bags together and get Frank to hold them all night. His contribution to the garden, other than his shit and piss. We'll see.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Avocado tree nubbin'!!

The pit has sprouted something on the bottom of it. Finally! James told me to throw it out the other day because it is doing nothing. Ha! Your face is doing nothing! (Not really though, your face does a lot, smiles, talks(a lot), makes me laugh, see a lot!)
Anyways, hopefully it will grow a tree, already. I am getting sick of looking at it.
Okay, don't lose patience. Stay with it.
Bread is out of the oven!! I hope it is cooked. I put it back in the oven for an extra five minutes. I couldn't leave it in for any longer or else the top would have burned. I will keep you posted.

The Peeps!!

Arthur, Ashley, Holly, Glendon and Michelle. These are the peeps who made it out to the housewarming party. Good times! We will have to have more parties this summer. It was so nice just sitting on the back deck in the sun. Keep it up gang!!

TUESDAY!! yeah it is.

The basil is growing!!

I planted strawberry and hot pepper plants outside today. My friends Glendon and Michelle brought them as a housewarming gift. We had a party to finally celebrate moving out of Toronto and into James’ house. It was a lot of fun. It was really nice to see everyone and to be partying out here instead of in Toronto. I hope that this can happen again more.

I am baking bread right now. This is my second attempt at baking bread from scratch. I want to master baking. I hope it works. So far it is better than the last time. Rising perfectly. I am trying to figure out what to have for dinner. Either Spicy pasta sauce with bow-tie pasta or shepherd’s pie.

I noticed a lilac tree outside yesterday. I am going to go and cut some off. I love lilacs. They are my favourite smelling flower. I am going to paint polka dots on my nails! Then read outside. I am still reading ‘Eat Pray Love’, she is now in India. So far, pretty good. I am looking forward to seeing the movie.

Grease is on t.v. right now. I had ‘hotdoggins!’ for lunch today. I can’t resist. They are the worst kind of meat, but I love them!

So far this has been a pretty wicked day!

Oh! I did my taxes yesterday. I have never done them before. They weren’t as hard as I thought they would be to do. They were really confusing, though. I am going to get James to check them. I am going to go and hand in my application to ‘The Humane Society’ in Oshawa. I want to be a cat cuddler!