Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

If this rain doesn't stop, I swear to god I am going to .....

It is raining right now! Dammit!!! My party is today. Oh well. We can have a dance party inside. Maybe it won't rain all day. I am excited about seeing my friends. I never get to see them, I miss them. I went for a walk this morning, I was kind of hoping it would rain then. I really like walking in the rain, that is one thing I miss about Toronto, the walks home from work in the rain. I think my favourite part is getting home, putting on dry clothes, cuddling up somewhere with some tea. Doesn't that sound nicey-nice? Sure does!
I made a yummy veggie pizza yesterday. I used feta cheese and left over grilled eggplant and zucchini. Some tomatoes, onion and mushrooms. Palate pleasing pizza. (see what I did there, alliteration, poetic device.)
My ankle is little swollen from the run yesterday. I will just have to take it easy. I can't run everyday, resting is important. I might ice it this afternoon before the peeps get here. It doesn't hurt though. That is good. It's weird 'cause a lot of the girls I follow on Tumblr who have fitness blogs have either screwed up their knees or sprained their ankles. All of them within the last week! Weird, eh?
I hope my party goes well. NO MORE RAIN!! NO MORE RAIN!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Party time!!!

I went for a run today! Well a run/walk, but still!! Nice to be out there and hitting the pavement again. I miss exercising. Next week I will start doing aerobics with Jenny McCarthy again. I was doing so awesome. It is sad when you are totally motivated and then hurt yourself. But onward and upward! Tomorrow is my birthday party! I am so excited to see my friends. I miss them so much! Monday is my actual birthday. We are going shopping! I got gift cards that are gonna get spent! I am so excited to buy make-up! I have made a list of everything I want to buy! I am going to get some liquid eyeliner. I have never used it before.
I finished the first season of 'Laguna Beach' this afternoon. I really like that show. I am downloading the second season as we speak? type. as I type. we aren't typing. you are reading. anyways. I miss MTV when it was good. I have ranted about this before, I won't go into it right now.


Frank stalked him from the deck. What a hunter. Not.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bowmanville is shakin'....run!!!

I can't believe it. We experienced an Earthquake today!! A 5.0 Earthquake! I had no idea what was going on, the china cabinet just started shaking. I don't even think Frank noticed. James was sleeping(he's working nights, not lazy) while it was happening. He woke up a bit and thought I was doing aerobics!! As if I would shake the house, maybe Frank, not me!! While we are talking about how fat I am, I started walking outside again. My ankle is much better although I am trying to take it easy. I went for a walk last night and today. I bought two bikinis at Walmart! I feel really great in them and now I am super excited about beachin' it up!! I have been trying to motivate myself lately. No moping because I don't have a job. I will get one, keep trying. I went looking today, I also applied to everything on the interwebs.
I have been trying to "dress up" and wear make up everyday. Dressing up is now putting on pants other than my yoga pants! I am trying to use this time wisely because when I get a job I will be so frustrated that I didn't do more when I wasn't working.


Lots of progress in the garden

The beans are growing like weeds! We will see some beans soon! Beans and dill...yep those beans are gettin' dilled! I replanted the hot pepper plants in coffee cans. I save any sort of reusable container. It's not hoarding if I reuse them, dammit! Check out that hot pepper. Looks good! I can't wait to eat this stuff! Get into my belly!

Check out the dill!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's raining, it's raining!!

It's raining. Boo.
So today I will continue my journey through Romantic Comedies (rom-coms). Last night I watched 'When in Rome'. It wasn't horrible but I probably won't watch it again. Today I am going to watch 'Leap year'. I am kind of looking forward to that one, I like Amy Adams. She was excellent in 'Enchanted'. I also downloaded 'My-so-called Life', I watched it religiously when I was a teen. I loved everything about that show. I really would love to re-watch all of the shows that I loved when I was younger. I have watched the first season of 'Daria'. I really want to watch some 'Saved by the Bell'. I absolutely loved that show when I was a kid. I think that I have seen every episode at least twice thanks to 'TBS'. I had the hugest crush on Zach Morris. He was so cute and funny. Still looking for a cute and funny guy, wait I found one. Frank!! haha.
I did some gardening yesterday. I moved some hot pepper plants from the side garden to where the beans and peas are planted. The hot peppers were being eaten by some bugs. Also Frank has been using that garden as his big outdoor kitty litter. So far we have 3 peppers growing. One of the pea plants has a pea growing! I can't wait until it is ready! Peas are my absolute fav! I hope to make dill beans this summer. I also want to do something with the peppers. We buy red hot peppers filled with goat cheese from the grocery store. I think I could make those. Having a garden is awesome. I really want to plant more flowers though. I will post pics of the garden tomorrow. Hopefully it isn't raining!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Well, this weekend was the annual summer camping trip. I am not much of a camper, I enjoy it for the first day but by the end of the weekend I am ready to go home. I like sleeping in beds and showering. This year we were really excited because we had the van to sleep inside. No tent to put up and take down. We packed up the van, were super organized, drove to Guelph to meet up with our friends then drive up north. On our way through Guelph the van started leaking coolant out of the front, the radiator stopped working! Come on, Van!! We stopped at Canadian Tire, hoping that they would be able to maybe fix it on the spot. Of course they couldn't, they wouldn't have a rad until the next morning! We ended up renting a car, a Nissan Ultima. Packed up our 'mid-size' and started the hour and a half drive to the camp ground.
When we got their it was starting to get dark, we were all really excited about getting up there early, unfortunately the van had other plans. Apparently the van doesn't like camping either. Since the van was puking I was afraid that maybe she was pregnant and we would get to Guelph and have a baby mini van waiting for us. Nope. She just doesn't like the wilderness. City van.
Camping turned out to be pretty expensive this year.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

this is why I miss living by the water. it keeps your secrets.

Frank's moves!!

Frank does all of these. It is like someone broke into the house and followed Frank around. I like the 'flop', he is famous for that one, sometimes he hits his head on the floor! What an idiot.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Beans! Hot Peppers! Peas! Strawberries! Oh my!

Happy Caturday!!


I made pancakes (not from scratch) with fried plums and walnuts in maple syrup. I am not a huge fan pancakes, I only like small ones with crispy edges. (that’s what she said) sorry had to.

Anywho, it is raining outside. again. so, t.v. and I are hanging out. MTV is playing the awards show. Katy Perry is performing right now. She is kind of annoying. wow. that was really dumb. Her boyfriend is cool though, funny guy.

Lots to do today. We are having curry chicken tonight. I have to do some yoga. I have to make some new face cleanser. brown sugar, honey, and olive oil.

I have been snacking on walnuts. they are tasty.

how happy are you that I wasted your time with this? wait. is there anyone there? I didn’t think so.

No more dry skin, dammit!!

I have to make more facial scrub tomorrow. I have dry skin and have been using the coffee scrub that I posted earlier. It works amazing! I also made a facial cleanser with brown sugar, honey and olive oil. I am going to make some more, but with less olive oil. I want it to be more grainy. I am going to try this mask tomorrow night. I have some avocados that need to be used.

Avocados and honey are particularly moisturizing. This mask is particularly great for mature, wrinkled and dry skin. It’s best to use a ripe, fresh, organic avocado. Make sure to mash it up into a creamy pulp.

  • ½ avocado
  • ¼ cup honey
Preparation: A classic recipe for dry skin. Mash the avocado in a bowl, then stir in honey.
Apply to skin and leave for 10 minutes.
Rinse face with a cool washcloth.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

GPOYW!!! (Gratuitous picture of yourself wednesday)

I totes did my hair and make-up today. And then I tried on all of my clothes!

I am such a girl.

Storm trooper chip!!

That's right folks! That chip looks like a storm trooper (they are from Star Wars, mom). Pretty amazing! Well, not amazing, but something.
We had a fun weekend. James' friends C&D came to visit. They have two large black dogs, Jake and Dirk. The dogs are well behaved and C&D definitely keep them in check. I like it when dog and children owners take care of their dogs and make sure they don't bother me. Dammit. The weather was beautiful, D and I were able to sit on the deck and do some chatting. C and James put a new hood on their truck. Later we bbq'd and had a campfire. There was some talk about going to race, but we were too drunk and it was supposed to rain. It did eventually rain, we sat outside by the fire in the rain for awhile before moving into the garage. We then went into the house, listened to some music and then went to bed.
The next morning we woke with headaches and went for brunch! After brunch we went to the 'Courtice Flea Market'. I love junk! I saw a lot of great junk! This is where we are going to buy christmas gifts y'all!!

Friday, June 4, 2010


Frank after his bath.

Iced green tea and a tidy bathroom cupboard!!


Too tired to type!

I cleaned my butt of today! I started with the bath tub because it was covered in coffee, from my coffee/sugar scrub! Then I moved to the bathroom floor, then the cupboard. Since I have started using homemade products I wanted to clean out all of the products that I don’t want to use. My skin feels amazing! I get really annoyed by clutter, especially in the bathroom. That room should be organized, just like the kitchen, or your bedroom, or closet, and of course..wait..everywhere! OCD much? kind of. anyways, I made some iced green/ginger/mint tea. I haven’t tried it yet. I put lots of honey in it so I wouldn’t have put any sugar in, next time I will use Stevia. I have never used Stevia. James decided to cut the grass, so I cleaned the kitchen. I wanted to get some mixing bowls off the counter. I re-organized the spice cupboard. Also I wiped out the fridge. I don’t think he has ever cleaned the fridge! So that was my day. Boring? Not really. Have I written anything other than blog posts? no. dammit.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

need to do something!! losing mind!!

want to run...dammit!!

My ankle is still a bit swollen and hurts. I did some research on sprained ankles. They take a long time to heal depending on the severity and how well you take care of them. It seems that the hardest part of a sprained ankle is staying off of it. Not pain. Being lazy. I have been watching too much t.v. Last night I decided that if I am going to watch t.v. then I should be watching things that I have downloaded. I have to make space on my computer. I bet you thought that I was going to say ‘smart things’. Ha! Don’t think so. I can’t wait to get back into working out. Luckily because I can’t walk around too much that means less trips into the kitchen. I have been really trying hard not to lay around eating junk. It will only make working out in the hopefully near future that much harder. Although I haven’t been working out I have stopped smoking. I didn’t want to be too vocal about this and jinx myself, but it seems that maybe I am finally sick of smoking. The thought of smoking turns my stomach. Good stuff.

Daria...whatever happened to you?

When I was in high school I loved MTV, I used to watch it all the time. They had the funniest, coolest shows. Entertaining. I loved ‘The Real World’, ‘Road Rules’, and of course ‘Singled Out’ with Jenny McCarthy. They had the ‘10 spot’, which was full of weird but fun shows. When the first Austin Powers movie came out they totally jumped on that train, they had a dance party show. It was tres fun. And then of course there was Daria. She was sarcastic, hated anything popular and wore big boots with a skirt. Suffice to say she and her bestie Jane Lane were definitely hero’s. I downloaded the first season yesterday and spent last night watching it, as well as Gossip Girl.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Body Scrub with Coffee

I made tried this the other night. Amazing! My skin, which is normally dry feels very soft. Try it out! Check out some other homemade beauty recipes.

Exfoiliating is very important to keep your skin glowing all over your body. Missing this step wont allow your moisturizer to penetrate into your skin- here is the greatest moisturizing recipe that is VERY economical you’ll want to do it everyday!

You’ll Need:
1. Coffee/Espresso Grinds
2. 1/4 cup Sugar
3. 1/4 cup Olive Oil

We all know that coffee’s a great way to start your morning - But did you know that it’s long been used in spas as a secret ingredient in body scrubs? It’s true - the fresh grounds actually help to exfoliate the dead skin cells that lye on the surface of the skin, while the caffeine, believe it or not, is currently used as one of the main ingredients in treating cellulite.

So here’s an easy way to make your own coffee scrub:
Mix fresh coffee and/or espresso grinds with 1/1 cup sugar and 2 tbsp. olive oil - till you get a nice past consistency.

How to use:
Rub all over your body in the shower, till skin feels nice and soft - Concentrating on the upper thighs. Rinse off with warm water, followed by a light body wash. Use 2 to 3 times a week for best results.