Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Aren't we cute?

We are all making angry faces! HeeHee!

Grow an Avocado Tree!

I am trying to grow an Avocado Tree. Now, I have never done this before and so far nothing is happening. I think it needs more sun. Also you have to make sure it always has watching touching the bottom of the seed. It can't stay outside in the winter and it won't grow fruit for about 3 or 4 years. But I think it would be neat to have!
How to do it:
1. Cut up an Avocado, take out the pit. Wash the fruit off the pit under warm water, using your fingers. Dry with a paper towel.
2. Pierce the fattest part of the pit with toothpicks, I used bamboo kabob skewrs(sp?).
3. Fill up a container with water and place the pit on the top. You want the bottom to be in the water.
4. Place in a sunny area.
I will keep you posted. Hopefully it will sprout soon. It may take a couple of weeks.

Frank:Upclose and Personal

I woke him up to take this upclose picture. How much does he hate me? Not very much actually! We found a boo-boo on his right shoulder when we got back on Sunday night. I think it is from the fight he got into the other day. He was freaking out more than usual when we were giving him a bath, probably because the cut was hurting due to the soap and water. It doesn't seem to bother him now. Such a tough guy!

Check out my green thumb!!

Turns out that I have had a green thumb all along. I have always thought that I am a bad cook and a plant killer. I killed a cactus once! How? I over loved it, too much water. But this plant, it was a little piece that a friend of ours broke off the dying plant and stuck in a glass of water. It sat in the water for a long time, then one day I said, "Krista, let's plant this!". So I did. I stuck it in a glass planter with some dirt that James had in the basement. I got discouraged because it wasn't doing well, the dirt was really watery and the plant didn't seem to be growing roots. I took the plant and dirt out of the planter, threw some glass beads in and spread them out on the bottom, then stuck the plant back in with a little more dirt. And Ta-friggin'-Daa!! The plant has now gone from one sprig of dying to a beautiful healthy plant!! So I am more capable than I ever gave myself credit for, it is amazing what you can do with a little time!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I got to find my green thumb!!

These are my Mom's tomato plants. She started them with seeds inside, I need to do the same. I am going to go and get the things I need and start them this week. Grow them and then plant them outside at the end of May. I am not sure exactly what I want yet. I need to draw it out and figure out what kind of veggies we will eat. I am really excited about growing our own food. We watched 'Food Inc.' last night. It is pretty scary what we don't know about our food. I think that we (James and I) need to be more conscious of what we are eating. We are already pretty good but we eat a lot of processed stuff. He wants to start running and doing yoga, once he starts that he will eat more and need better, whole foods. We need to buy local and organic. He is going to go in on a half cow with some guys from work. He eats a lot of meat, which is fine, but he needs to make sure it is good meat.

Go bus conversations!!

We went home to my parents on the weekend. I took these photos of flowers in the backyard. We had tons of fun! We played pool,drank, laughed our butts off and ate tons of food! I always forget how beautiful and peaceful it is up there. I am so lucky that I got to grow up in such a great place. I walked into Bowmanville yesterday to get some groceries. I took the Go bus back to the house, on the bus there were two teenagers who started chatting. They were talking about how there schools were better than each others. The boy was from Whitby who moved to Bowmanville
a couple of years ago. The poor guy had to leave all of his friends! He is 16. They then talked about their "relationships". He has been dating a girl for two weeks. Apparently he calls her all the time and she never calls, so he did an experiment. He didn't call her for a week. She never called him. Finally he called her and she said that she needed some time to herself. IT HAS BEEN TWO WEEKS!! Wow. The girl said that she has heard that a million times. I didn't hear how old the chick was but if I had to guess, well probably 17 or something. Kids!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Watch this movie!!

lol catz are my crack.

Sometimes I get stuck on the internet looking at cute animal picture and videos. I think that is my crack. Can't get enough. I saw this one last night. I love Marie Antoinette, anything to do with her I find fascinating. Now I know a sleeping cat isn't fascinating, but look at the fur, the colour, the posture! If Frank was still, er, well, "equipped", then I would be tracking this beauty of a cat down! Of course I am assuming that this is a female. Even so, I really want a pretty white kitty. Frank would probably be scared of it, would remind him of the evil White Cat. I just think it would look pretty for family photos. James could hold Frank the boy cat and I would hold Margaret the girl cat. I am not sure yet what her name would be, maybe Helen. Marcia? Another boy would be named Dennis,obviously!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Frank vs. White Cat

I know bad picture of White Cat. But right after I took this picture the camera started smoking and my eyes had a burning sensation. I couldn't see for an hour after. I think it is because he is evil. He looks way more mean in real life. He has really big fangs and large talons. I once saw him set a bush on fire with flaming death breath. He just laughed and walked away. Didn't care. How awful.

Handsome Frank

I wanted to show you how handsome Frank looks after he has had a bath. Isn't he to die for! What a beaut! I think that the evil White Cat is jealous of Franks good looks and that he can pull of the weight. He makes fat look good! Plus he has way more personality in his left paw than the White Cat. Maybe I should post a picture debate of the White Cat and Handsome Frank. Let you guys be the judge. Frank will win for sure.
Right? Right??!! RIGHT?!!! yes. he will.

Poor Frank!!

Frank met up with his arch-nemesis 'White Cat' the other night. I was outside and I heard cat fighting sounds. Frank had went over to the neighbors and was in the 'forest' beside their house. I called to James and we ran over. White cat was standing all defiant and poor Frank was cowering in fear. I will admit that I saw a lot of white fur and there was white fur stuck in Franks paws. We scared White-devil-Cat away and called to Frank. He ran to the front of the house. That is when we noticed the smell. Frank had went poopy, he was actually still going poopy. James carried him to the back door and took him to the basement for a bath. Frank was not happy! We washed and dried him, then lured him upstairs with treats. He sat on the carpet in the backroom licking himself. I wanted to show you how funny he looks wet. His tail is so skinny and funny when he whips it around. James has decided that he must teach Frank self defense, so he doesn't have any more 'Shit Shows'. We have also decided to defend the house against the evils of White Cat. Stay tuned to hear more about the saga of Frank and White Cat.

Happy Earth Day!!

This is my rant from Tumblr. I thought it was a pretty good rant, so posted it here. Remember to Recycle, folks!!

I took this picture of one of the flowers in my garden. I am going to plant a vegetable/fruit garden in May. Trying to do my part. I watched ‘Food Inc.’ last night(well half of it) on PBS’ POV. I have been dying to see it. The part that I saw was about genetically modified seeds and lawsuits between Monsanto and farmers. It is pretty crazy how much we don’t know about the food we eat. I have always been on/off again vegetarian, eating meat is convenient. My family and my boyfriends family are all big meat eaters. They have all known me during my veggie phases, but it is still an effort. Day to day I never ate meat, except at restaurants. I have never felt very confident cooking meat. Since I moved in with my meat-loving boyfriend I have been experimenting with cooking meat. I still believe that I shouldn’t be eating meat. But, if I am going to eat meat then I want the best and I want to know where it comes from. It is scary when you look at the piece of beef on your plate and imagine its journey from “farm” to your plate. We need to be realistic about our food and stop pretending that everything is how we think it is or how we have grown up knowing it is. It’s not! Modern day farms are almost non-existent and steadily on the decline. People of my generation are living in cities, relying on big business to supply them their food. We need to take back the soil! If you want to live green then move to where it is green!

Now, keep in mind that this is my opinion on the morning of Earth Day, after watching ‘Food Inc.’, I have moved out of the city but I am not going to live on a farm. It would be nice to have more property and maybe raise something. But that isn’t really the plan just yet. Time will tell. But I do think that with everyday I am becoming more and more of an advocate.

BUT, most importantly, do what you can do. Wherever you are. Even if you do one ‘green’ thing a day at the end of the year you have done 365! That is a lot! We are all capable.

Okay, rant done!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Eat Pray Love Movie!?

I am really excited about this movie. I didn't even know that a movie was being made. Keep in mind that I have never read the book,I borrowed it and am about to start it. Julia Roberts is a really good actress in my opinion. I just recently rewatched 'Runaway Bride', I was pretty amazed at how dynamic she really is on screen. I like the idea of this movie. A woman that has never not been in a relationship and realizes that she needs to change her life. She has lost zest for life. I felt like this about 6 months ago. I took my year of being a single gal, was reckless and now I am in the next phase. Even though I am in a relationship, it feels as though this union is therapeutic. Something that I need in order to grow as a person. Okay, so watch the trailer. I think it is really inspirational. Makes me want to write!
EatPrayLove Trailer *Watch it Now** <----click here!

Bodylicious Body Scrub

I am always looking for great gift ideas. I always want to be more crafty and then end up just buying things. But now I feel like I will be able to make it happen! I saw these home made body scrubs on the website. The scrubs are in honeybear jars. I love that you are making your own scrub and reusing a jar! How cute! I will give you the recipe, but keep in mind you might recieve one of these one day!!
  • Essential oils
  • Food colouring
  • 1 ¾ cup (414 ml.) of white sugar
  • ¾ cup (177 ml.) grape seed oil
  • large plastic produce bag from the grocery store
  • plastic honey bear container
  • scissors, large mixing bowl, large plastic mixing spoon


  1. Measure the sugar and grape seed oil; pour into large mixing bowl.
  2. Add 2-3 drops of your choice of essential oil and food colouring
  3. Stir until well blended.
  4. Take a large plastic produce bag from the grocery store and spoon in the sugar scrub mixture. (It’s much easier if you have a friend to hold the bag open or use a cylinder vase to support it!)
  5. With the scissors, cut a small hole in one corner of the plastic bag, enabling you to squeeze the mixture into the honey bear container. This part can be a bit messy, so keep the plastic bag and bear over the mixing bowl.
  6. Squeeze the mixture from the plastic bag into the honey bear until it’s about ¾ full. Tap the honey bear to settle the mixture. This should create more room for more mixture.
  7. Put the cap on the honey bear, tie a cute ribbon around the neck and you’re ready to give, give, give!

Skid School racecar

James and his Dad are building a racecar. James Dad has a business, 'Skid School', which is a driving school that teaches you accident avoidance and car control. They have the Wingham highschool autoshop class working on the car. James designed this car on a video game. Pretty neat! I am excited about watching James race a car that they designed and built.

James + sports = drinking!!!

A couple of weeks ago James went to Buffalo with some work pals to see a hockey game. Now let's get something straight here, James does not like sports. He enjoys car racing but other than that not much else. He went ice fishing because of the drinking , goes golfing every summer for the drinking, and went to the hockey game, once again, for the drinking. He may not be an excellent ice fisher, or golfer and when it comes to watching hockey, he is lacking. But he is a championship drinker! Give him some beers and you will be amazed! They had 3 sets of tickets that were in different places around the arena, and switched places after every period. They were all pretty good seats. The first picture shows you that as well as a wicked blonde hair-do. Very nice. The second is some dude that was hit with the puck. Yikes! And the third, well it is just a picture.

Meeting the work pals.

Last night I met James' work buddies. They usually will do a wing/beer night at the end of a bunch of shifts and this time wives/girlfriends were invited! We went to a bar in Courtice. It was nice to put the names to faces. I have heard many a story about the various characters he works with. Also meeting the women behind these men was nice. I think that we will be hanging out more. When we got home after many beers(James) and 5 martinis(Krista), Frank was attacked. With love, mind you. And lots of it! James had just finished a 3 day, 12 hours a day work week, had many beers and he loves Frank. Let's be honest this is a serious Bromance. I was gone all weekend and they had some bonding time. Okay all together now, "Awwwww"!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Awesome art by HollyG!!!

These are pics of art that my friend Holly Gilmour has made. I suggest going to her blog( and checking out what she does. Her stuff is so adorable and well done. The bird painting is a piece that she made for me when I was leaving Toronto. I once had a dream about a bird wearing cowboy boots.

Very cute!!!

Pics of Frank!!

Here are some pics of Frank. I was chilling on the couch, I grabbed Franks Binkey(a shawl that my mom made me) to lure him over. Of course he came over! Loves his Binkey!! I grabbed him and placed him on his back(he likes to sit like people) and put his Binkey on him like a blanket. It was adorable. His feets were sticking out the bottom. We laughed so hard.
The two other photos are of Frank laying on the kitchen floor. James was tossing pieces of newspaper on him. He just laid there. One landed on his face! Oh Frank!!

Healthy lunch!!

Here is a picture of a quick and easy lunch that I made last week. I am trying my very hardest to eat better. This meal was Quinoa with veggies. I cooked the Quinoa which took about 20 to 30 minutes(cooked very much like rice). I chopped garlic coarsely, I really like big pieces of garlic, then some mushrooms, broccoli and celery. Put this in a pan with olive oil. Seasoned the veggies with some spicy pepper mix, salt&pepper and put in about a 1/3cup of water. Covered, lowered heat and let steam for about 10 to 15 minutes. I mixed it all together with some soy sauce. It was deelish!! Very filling. Fiber in the Quinoa and veggies. Iron in the broccoli. Need to try and lower the sodium though. Soy sause is pretty high in sodium. Just make sure to drink your water!!

Easter dinner!!

I dyed eggs for Easter. It was fun and made me happy every time I opened the eggs! I want to dye the eggs all of the time! I also put a roast beef in the slow cooker with some veggies. I then made a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. I had never made a cake from scratch. It turned out pretty good! Baking is a lot easier than I thought it was! I made a soup with the left over beef and veggies. I also put in Quinoa(Keen-wah), which is a great alternative to rice or pasta. It is a wheat and isn't as heavy as the other two. Buy already rinsed Quinoa to skip a step.


Here are some pics of the Daffodils in the garden and in the kitchen.

Dart board!!

James' mom gave us her dart board. It is so cool to have this dart board in our house because I remember it from my childhood. Every house she lived in it was there. She is really good at darts, actually she is really good at all pub style games. We put it up in the kitchen. We have already put 6 holes in the wall and a hole in the kitchen table!!

A big pile of rocks?!

I haven't posted in awhile. I deleted my facebook and ever since haven't been on the internet that much. I check my email but that is about it. NOT ANY MORE!! I want to post a lot more on this blog. We have been doing a lot of things outside. We cleaned up the big pile of rocks. That's right, there was a big pile of rocks to clean up. I think I have a picture of it. Wait. I will look for it. I found it. That pile was in the front yard. James took out the stone fireplace in the living room, like a year or more ago, he piled the rocks just off the front deck. We got a wheel barrel(barrow). It is so handy to have one. Who knew!! The rocks have been moved to the back yard. I weeded the garden. I also dug up one of the smaller gardens. I pulled out the biggest root of all time. That garden is going to be the vegetable garden. I have to go somewhere and buy some seeds and start to grow them inside. I found Frank laying in the garden a couple of times. He also tried to pee in one of the gardens. Stupid cat. I read somewhere that you can put lemon peels in the garden to keep cats out. He has found a patch of wild mint outside that he goes nuts over. He licks, eats and rubs his face all over it! Too cute!!!